Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So I am now in Madrid... Madrid is a very different city than what I´ve seen in Europe so far. For starters, hardly anyone speaks English. Or French, which is really frustrating considering everyone in France and Portugal spoke at least one of these languages! They also have siesta here, so everything shuts down for like 3 hours in the afternoon. And its hot. It said that it was 38 degrees today downtown!
Anyways, Madrid has a great park that everyone in the city seems to hang out in. There are puppet shows, row boats, fortune tellers, dancers, and all sorts of exciting stuff. I also watched a bullfight at Plaza des Torros. It was cool but kind of sad. A bull chases a few matadors, then he gets stabbed by a guy on a horse... which makes him more angry... and then a matador is chosen to actually fight the bull. And they go back and forth for a while until the matador stabs him. If the bull is stabbed between the eyes he gets a standing ovation!
Other than that I´ve been getting used to Spanish time... which means not eating until 10 or 11 at night, and staying out until 4ish.
I will be in Barcelona for Canada Day!

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